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Ten Surprising Health Benefits Of Limes

Limes are a bright green fruit in the citrus category. They are often grown in tropical environments and, on a historical note, helped sailors treat scurvy, which is a disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin-C. Limes are a small sour fruit that measure an estimated three to five centimeters in diameter.  Photo by  Jenny Pace  on  Unsplash Moreover, limes have 10 surprising health benefits such as: Cancer Research has shown that the ingredient citrus limonoids, which is an element in citrus fruits such as limes, can fight cancers that attack the skin, lungs, stomach and mouth. Nutrients Lime consumers ingest vitamins such as B6, folic acid, flavonoids and potassium. Additionally, limes are rich in vitamin C and will enhance the flavor of other fruits like apples, oranges and pears. Cholera The high acid levels found in lime juice effectively prevent the growth of cholera in food. In some cases, researchers have found that lime juice will kill the bacteria. Therefore, the addition of l

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